
Last updated on सप्टेंबर 21st, 2022 at 11:30 am


क्रमांक प्रकाशित तारीख वर्णन डाउनलोड
130/09/2016List of the students shifted from Vasantdada patil engg. college, sion, to various unaided institutes from Mumbai region - Direct Second Year
230/09/2016List of the students shifted from Vasantdada patil Engg.College, Sion to Various Unaided Inst. in the Mumbai Region - First Year CAP & Inst.Level Admitted Sudents
326/04/2016One Day Workshop on Admission procedure for A.Y. 2016 -17
423/09/2015EBC - Orientation Programme for A.Y. 2015 - 16 ( on Dt. 30 Sep. 2015 ) at Govt. Polytechnic, Mumbai
507/09/2015Students Transfer from Manohar Phalke institute, Sion to Various Unaided institutes in the Mumbai Region - revised List Dt. 07/09/2015
607/09/2015Students transfer from Manohar Phalke Polytechnic, Sion to various unaided institutes in Mumbai Region - revised List Dt. 07/09/2015
721/08/2015Non AICTE Merit List Checking Schedule
821/08/2015Merit List Checking Schedule for Govt. & Govt. Aided Diploma Institute
921/08/2015Merit List Checking Schedule & Check List for Unaided Diploma Institutes ( Engg. / Phar. )
1021/08/2015Check list for Degree & Post Degree institutes.
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